Music And... (How Different Paths Lead to Greatness)

Recently I’ve been working on numerous projects, here is one that I am excited to share with you.


I am SUPER excited to be a part of this SXSW Panel.

There's still time to vote for this panel. If it gets enough votes, it has a stronger chance of being selected at the SXSW Music Festival 2019 in Texas USA. So if you are or know any artists or talented musicians that are doing music part time and would love to learn how to make a living from their art, this panel is for you. Share it!

Voting closes on the 30th August 2018.

How to Vote: 

1. Click the link and sign in, then create an account.

2. Verify your email

3. Use the same link to log in, hit the Vote Up button. When it turns green, YOUR JOB IS DONE and you can logout.

Click the below link to vote. 

Thinking Chair


It doesn't really have to be fancy in order for you to get the job done.  

"If you want to be a writer and you don't know how or when; Find a quiet tree and use a humble pen" - Paul Simon

Or in our case... A highly connected, fully charged, picture taking, Super Computer that can fit into your pocket.  

Times may change, Technology may change, But the key principles of discipline, consistency and focus are fundamental laws that are timeless.  

Use what you have. Don’t always think you need more, because generations before you have achieved a lot more with a lot less so we have little excuse. 

Operate using the Bare Maximum.